“Whose Goals Are They?” The Power of the Professional

Discipline: Social Work and Human Services

Type of Paper: Other

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 275




Discussion: “Whose Goals Are They?” The Power of the Professional


Human and social services professionals, no matter what helper role, can greatly influence clients due to being in a position that is often perceived as powerful by others, whether or not the human and social services professional views him or herself as powerful. Because of this position of power, human and social services professionals need to exercise caution when working with any form of client on developing goals and objectives. It is important that, as much as possible, the client be involved in creating the goals and objectives. As a human and social services professional, you want to be wary that the goals suggested are ones that the client might not want nor agree with.

To Prepare

Consider the potential of influence you might have on a client. Think about the cautions that you must take as a Human and Social Services professionals when creating client goals.