Frequently Asked Questions

No matter what kind of custom paper you need, it is simple and secure to hire a real professor at a student-friendly price at EssayPro Tutors. Save more time for yourself. Hire a genius now!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to finish my assignment?

You are the King here, and you dictate how long your assignment will take. You could set an urgent deadline or opt to have an extended timeframe, and either way, our professors will literally tear each other up for it in your bidding section, much to your delight. Of course, shorter deadlines will also cost you just a little bit more. However, as in any capitalist economy, money is the primary driver for most of the people working on your text. Therefore, that extra incentive might just surprise you how much more motivation it adds.

Will I be able to communicate with the professor throughout the project?

You are encouraged to communicate with your professor, make inquiries on the progress of your assignment, and make emphasis and clarifications regarding anything you would like included in your task. However, you won’t really have to do that because here we have professionals that are highly oriented to following instructions and meeting deadlines, they will, without you necessarily asking for it, always give regular updates on the progress of your project. You can rest easy knowing that your project is in good hands once you assign it to us.

What about plagiarism?

You don’t have to worry about plagiarism. We are well aware that the whole point of you being here is for it to look like you worked hard on it, so you don’t need to be afraid that your work will be a copy-pasted version of some assignment presented last year in UCLA. Our professors have clear instructions to start everything from scratch unless you bring something you have started yourself. You can be confident that no plagiarism software will detect that your assignment was sourced from some genius you found on our backyard. IMPORTANT: a plagiarism report will always be sent along with your paper!

What is your refund policy?

We won’t lie, our refund policy is quite strict. However, that is only because of the high standards that we have enforced here at get wow essays that ensures whoever writes your paper has the highest possible qualifications. Refunds are allowed in the instance that it is evident the professors failed to follow your instructions to the letter. Given their level of competence, however, it HARDLY occurs. If it does, nonetheless, we can guarantee you that the professor faces severe consequences for the inconvenience they caused you, and us as well. For your deed that has exposed the rogue instructor who failed to follow instructions, you might also get a discount on your next project to apologize to you personally.

Are my privacy and confidentiality guaranteed?

100% absolutely yes! Other than your credit card information used to process the payments, which is handled by a very trusted third party, get wow essays will not require any more of your personal data. Even better, our professors do not need to know anything about you, not even your first name. In fact, you MUST use a pseudonym while posting your project. Therefore, your privacy and confidentiality are guaranteed, and all information on you that you provide us is safe as well.

Is this illegal?

We can confidently say that this is not illegal. By giving us instructions on a piece of text, you would like written, getting it written, and paying for it, what you have done is purchasing content. In a free economy, such actions are allowed. Besides, whoever is writing your task cares less where the work is going after they send it to you.

What if my project is delayed?

As the king, it is well within your right to demand an explanation from the professor for the delayed assignment. If the explanation provided by the professor is insufficient or lacking, then you could always contact support, and you can be sure that the professor will pay for his transgressions. We guarantee, however, that you will experience delays as often as you get to see the Hale-Bopp Comet. Your professors have no intentions of staying with your projects for longer than necessary; we are sure that they have other students to attend to, and that they are capable of managing their time well.

What you get from our essay writing service

Basic features
  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Built-in plagiarism & AI checker
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support
On-demand options
  • Professor’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
  • 2-hour delivery
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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