The Future of Communication

Discipline: Technology

Type of Paper: Essay (any type)

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 405


Human communication has certainly evolved over time from face-to-face spoken word to the telegraph, telephone, fax, and the many ways in which we use our smartphones for transmitting messages. But what does the future hold? Will we still need speech and language?

Discuss your views on the topic of big data. In your response (at least 400 words), be sure to discuss the following:

  • What is your reaction to the Brain-to-Brain Communication videos on the resources page? Be thorough and specific.
  • What are the main issues regarding the use of brain-to-brain communication? How serious are they?  How do they affect the individual? How do they affect the larger society?
  • How do you envision brain-to-brain communication being used to help solve problems facing the world?
  • What (if any) controls should be put upon brain-to-brain communication technology? Who should monitor this?