State And Religious Extremism

Discipline: Political science

Type of Paper: Term paper

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Paper Format: MLA

Pages: 14 Words: 3850




Please use at least 5 sources that are reliable. I will provide 3 and the other 2 can be online sources.

POL 2300 Comparative Politics Professor Tesfaye


Your term paper should be 13-15 pages long (excluding bibliography, double spaced, font size

12, default margins) during the semester. You are to use at least 5 journal sources and ONLY 2

internet sources (I will explain in class)

Topic examples





-State collapse

-democratic breakdowns

-the state and religious extremism

What are accepted references examples of academic Journals

-Comparative politics

-Asian Studies

-Journal of Latin America Studies

-Middle East Journal

-Asian Studies Journal

-European Journal of Women’s Studies

-Journal of Modern African Studies

-New York Times (a Major News Paper); The Lancet (A major issues paper)

The papers are due on the day marked in the syllabus. They are to be uploaded in Blackboard

Late papers will be penalized 2% a day and will not be accepted after a week. Blackboard

(through Verify will check your paper for Plagiarism) if I detect plagiarism you will get an F

for the paper or an F for the course.


There is no simpler way to say this: any work that you hand in must be your own. If not,

you will automatically fail the class and you will be reported to the Dean. It’s not worth

it—do your own work. What is plagiarism? According to the Undergraduate Catalog of

William Paterson University, plagiarism is "the copying from a book, article, notebook,

video, or other source material, whether published or unpublished, without proper credit

through the use of quotation marks, footnotes, and other customary means of identifying

sources, or passing off as one's own the ideas, words, writings, programs, and experiments

of another, whether or not such actions are intentional or unintentional." It further describes

that "plagiarism will also include submitting, without the consent of the professor, an

assignment already tendered for academic credit in another course." (Undergraduate

Catalog, William Paterson University, 2021