School-related Flashback, High School Memories
Discipline: Classic English Literature
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
For this assignment, you are going to flashback to something that happened while you
were in any level of school elementary..middle..or high school. It must be a true story. It
should also evoke an emotion out of you. It can be humorous, sadness, elation,
frustration, nostalgic, warm, etc. But it should make you feel something since if it makes
you feel nothing, it probably will not make the reader feel anything as well. Write the
story from first person (use words like "I" and 'Me") and write the story as if you are
telling the story to someone. If there was a lesson you learned from the event, please
imply it. Do not state the lesson you learned, but leave enough breadcrumbs so that the
reader can accurately infer what happened.
Write a minimum of 300 words using proper writing skills and proper grammar. You
may, however, periodically switch your language to the tones you or someone else used
during the actual situation, but remember to use quotations or italics.