Retailers in News
Discipline: Business Studies
Type of Paper: Article review
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)
Paper Format: APA
Learning Outcomes:
The following learning outcome(s) may be assessed in this assignment:
Explain the role retailers play in the distribution channel and the functions they perform;
Describe the different types of retailers and how they use omni channel approach
to provide more value for their customers;
Outline the steps involved in strategic and innovative omni channel retail planning
to build a sustainable competitive advantage in home and international markets;
Describe how a retailer physical store environment and/or eCommerce site can
increase customer appeal and strengthen a retailer's brand image;
Explain the factors retailers consider when pricing merchandise;
Assignment Objectives
The goal of this assignment is for students to research an omni-channel retailer of their
choice in the Fashion Retail sector that has been in the news within the past 2 years (2019-
2021) and write a report. You are required to source a minimum of 2 current articles on the
same topic from the popular press (Globe and Mail, National Post, and/or any industry
publication). Do not use blogs or wikis as a news source.
Assignment Details
Your report must contain the following:
An Introduction
Introduce your retailer by providing some background company information (brief company
history, ownership, number of stores if applicable) and introduce the name of the articles and
the course theory/topic the articles relate to.
Article Overview
This section should summarize the article content. Use factual information, be sure to
paraphrase the information rather than just copy it. Ensure you use in text citations to cite all
the facts from the articles in this section.
Relating the Articles to Course Theory/Topic
In this section, explain how and why the article content relates to the course theory/topic. Do
not try to summarize the entire chapter/supplemental reading. Assume your audience does not
know the theory, so explain it well. It’s not the quantity but the quality of the explanation that
will count. Ensure you use in text citations to cite all the facts from the articles, and content
from the textbook or supplemental readings.
Your Opinion
What did you think of the articles? Did you agree or disagree with the points in the articles?
How well do the articles tie back to the course topic or theory? Be sure to provide support for
your opinion with an explanation.
Report Guidelines
Your report must include the following
A. Title Page
Include: Title of Report, Your Name, Date, Professor’s Name and Course Code.
B. Body of Report
Headings- Arial, 14 pt., bold
Body Text- Arial, 12 pt., 1.5” spacing; 3” spacing between paragraphs
Margins- 1”
Page numbers at the bottom of each page, right aligned
Check your entire report for spelling and grammar proper citations using the APA Format.
C. References
Include a reference page at the end of the report using the APA style.
The report should be approximately 3-4 pages in length, excluding the title page and reference
Submit assignment in MS Word.