Discipline: Other
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)
Paper Format: APA
PS Video: Taking the Agenda Forward - 15th Anniversary of 1325 (4:38)
As the world commemorates 15 years of the ground-breaking UN Security Council resolution 1325, we look at how civil society groups have been using the resolution in their work around the world as an instrument for advocacy, dialogue and advancement of women's participation in peace and security decision-making. On the occasion of the High-level Review of women, peace and security, it's time for implementation of resolution 1325 and recognition of women's key contributions to preventing conflict and securing peace.
UN Women. (Oct. 8, 2015). Taking the Agenda Forward - 15th Anniversary of 1325.
Migration Video: The Schengen Agreement Explained (6:33)
International borders are usually hard lines that one needs a passport to cross, but for 26 of the nations of Europe, no border checks are required whatsoever. This is an area called the Schengen Area, so how exactly does it work?
KhAnubis. (July 7, 2019). The Schengen Agreement Explained.