Power in Branches of Government: Legislative and Executive

Discipline: Political science

Type of Paper: Critical thinking

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: Not applicable

Pages: 4 Words: 1100




which branch -- the legislative or executive -- possess the most actual power today? Why do you think that? You must give at least three reasons to back up your argument.


Regardless of the current situation, what do you think the balance of power should be across the legislative and executive branches? Are there powers currently delegated to one branch that you think should be delegated to another? Why or why not? What do you think of the various approaches presidents have taken toward understanding their powers? How might your viewpoint align with the intentions of the founders? With which theory of presidential power do you think President Trump most closely aligns? Please answer this question with both the current Congress and president in mind and more broadly about the presidency as a whole or Congress as an institution.