Outline water-related issues in Middle Eastern countries and explain the implication of agriculture being the residual user.
Discipline: Economics
Type of Paper: Question-Answer
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)
Paper Format: APA
Read the chapter Powerpoint and answer these questions that I provided.
Read the chapter and answer following questions:
1. Outline water related issues in Middle Eastern countries and
explain the implication of agriculture being the residual user.
2. Outline and then explain two types of price policies that
particularly have been problematic in agriculture sector by
distorting farmers’ incentives and misallocating resources.
3. Explain the differences between food self-sufficient and food
security in Middle Eastern countries.
4. Then explain the issues related to achieving above goals.
5. Finally outline two types of price policies that particularly have
been problematic for agricultural sector.