Improving Strategies through advertising.
Discipline: Marketing
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
Describe a company that you think does a poor job advertising. For example; Burger King has not capitalized on its core product in advertising. Instead, it has diversified its product mix to include hamburger burritos and hot dogs and is advertising them at discounted prices.
Next, explain why this advertising is ineffective.
Anyone can criticize something that is not working, but those who offer creative solutions to fix advertising strategies that are broken have a bright future ahead. With this in mind, make two specific suggestions about how the company could improve its advertising via traditional or non-traditional methods.
Then, respond to at least two of your classmates. (I will provide the source later on, no worries on this now)
First respond to your classmate’s reasoning why the advertising was ineffective
Then, connect your example with the one they chose by identifying similarities and/or differences between them