Impact of the New World of Digital Communication on Community-Building in America

Discipline: Political science

Type of Paper: Essay (any type)

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Paper Format: MLA

Pages: 3 Words: 825




Robert Putnam, in his book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, uses the example of the decline of bowling leagues across

the country to suggest the passing of community and associations in the United

States. Traditionally these associations provided the “social capital”* upon

which society was built.


Has social media exacerbated this loss of

community and neighborhood associations or has it enhanced community building?

Many argue that electronic communication lacks the tactile and personal nature

of face to face contact necessary for true communities. Others respond that

online communication permits a much broader understanding of community, with

connection across a heretofore impossible expanse of culture and geography.

Using real-world examples, please compose an

essay discussing the impact of the new world of digital communication on

community-building in America.

Your essay should use MLA formatting and

demonstrate college-level grammar, spelling and vocabulary.


*Social capital: A network of personal

relationships that provide social glue.


Please see the attached

article on "How Social Capital Helps Communities Weather the COVID-19

Storm" for an example of how important social capital might be, according

to one study.


The essay

should be from 750 to 1000 words in length.




 The essay should be typed in Times New

Roman, 12- point font, one-inch margins, double-spaced, with college level

grammar, structure and spelling. Please upload a Windows-readable file.