Health Education
Discipline: Health Care
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)
Paper Format: APA
Weekly Discussion post:
(Critique Health Education Materials)
Discussion Prompt: Search the internet and find a written health education material
(e.g., brochure or factsheet). Attach a copy of your written health material and provide a
short critique of the material. How does the material meet the five basic principles (FIVE
Basic Principles 1) Make the message clear, 2) Use understandable language, 3) Pay attention to layout,
4) Choose an appropriate font, 5) Select images wisely)? (From Health Literacy: What We Can
Do presentation lecture slides.)
Your written health education material should be a pdf, something that you could hand to
someone, not a website. You may find the pdf online but download the electronic copy or post a
link to the written material -- but again it should be a pdf, and not a website.
Note: Review the uploaded lecture slides on health literacy to get a better understanding
of what to do with this assignment.