Essential Lessons to Avoid War
Discipline: Political science
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)
Paper Format: APA
Please develop a 600 word (this is minimum word count; you can write more but not less) response to the following question:
According to Graham Allison, what lessons from the past are essential to avoid war between the U.S. and China?
To answer this question, please:
1. read Graham Allison's Thucydides' Trap
2. read The Melian Dialogue (or listen to it; I posted a link to a recording). If you decide to listen to it, pay particular attention to the introduction (from the beginning to minute 1:30), and conclusion (starting at minute 17 until the end).
3. Once you've read both, explain why Allison thinks the U.S. and China are heading toward conflict, and outline how the two countries can avoid falling into Thucydides' Trap.
Please make sure you use the texts (or recording) to support your answers, and please remember to quote properly.