Effects of technology on society
Discipline: Technology
Type of Paper: Article review
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
An academic journal article review related to the effects of technology on society.
An academic journal article review consists of both a summary and an evaluation of the article, addressing its strengths and weaknesses. You will briefly summarize the main arguments and findings and then assess the work’s contribution to the field as well as its readability, reliability, currency, possible bias, and usefulness.
Your paper should be approximately two pages of text and should follow current APA(7th) formatting. Critique your chosen article considering these outlined points:
Objectives: What does the article set out to do? Does it accomplish that purpose effectively?
Theory: Is there an explicit theoretical framework? Are there important theoretical assumptions?
Concepts: What are the central concepts and are they clearly defined?
Argument: Are there specific hypotheses?
Method: What methods were employed to test the hypotheses? Were they appropriate and effective?
Evidence: What evidence was used to support the findings?
Values: Are value positions clear or are they implicit?
Literature: How does the work integrate with other research in the field?
Contribution: How well does the research advance the knowledge of the field? Is it useful? Does it have a practical application?
Readability: Was the article well written and organized with a good flow of logic? Was it understandable?
Currency: Is the article up-to-date and in sync with the current research and technology in the field?
Bias: Is the article objective and analytical or does it have obvious blind spots, hidden agendas, or bias