Educational Leadership

Discipline: Education

Type of Paper: Essay (any type)

Academic Level: High school

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 275


Describe the overall professional learning community of your school.

 Is there an established community? What are groups based on? Grade level? Subject area?

Teaching Teams?

o Groups based on departmental. English with englisj, math with math and etc.

o Teaching teams are usually 9 th and 10 th grade and 11 th and 12 th grade.

How does the formal professional learning community function? Are the PLC groups collegial? Have

norms been set for discussions? Do they follow the definition and characteristics of a "true" PLC?

o Only norms will be lesson plan design and ensuring teachers are using district norms for direct

instruction (I Do, We Do, You Do)

What role does your principal play in the professional learning of the faculty and staff?

o Principal only ensure we are using the appropriate district guidelines to guide instruction and

does coaching once a week

As a teacher, what do you wish your principal knew about professional learning at your school?

Ask the group a question that will extend the discussion and learning.