Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationship
Discipline: Communications
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
Writing Assignment 3: Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships
Requirements: Write a two-page essay which addresses all of the questions in the prompt below. Your assignment should be 2 pages, typed and double-spaced (using 1-inch margins and Times New Roman 12point font). Be sure to put your name and my name (Prof. de Cuba) the course name (SPE12) and the date at the top of the first page. Your essay should be divided into clear paragraphs, including an introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. Be sure to address each of the questions asked in the prompt and to provide specific examples where they are requested. Be sure to refer to course concepts and terminology whenever relevant in your discussion.
Writing Prompt: Analyze one (only one!) of your most important relationships. This can be with a friend, a family member or a romantic partner. Begin by identifying the individual and briefly describing the relationship. Then use the principles described in Chapter 9 to analyze this relationship.
1. Consider the variables of why we form relationships (attraction, similarity, complementarity, proximity, etc.). How did these variables function at the start of your relationship? How do the variables function now that you have a more established relationship?
2. Discuss your relationship in terms of Knapp’s 10 Stages of Coming Together/Apart. How did you move from one stage to another? Where are you now? What tells you this?
3. How do the various dialectical tensions function in this relationship? Give at least two specific examples, and describe how you managed the tension.
4. How do you maintain this relationship? What could you do to improve this maintenance?
5. How have you repaired the relationships after transgressions? What has been particularly effective?