create a timeline of your life.
Discipline: Psychology
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)
Paper Format: APA
Pages: 1
Words: 275
Assignment A, create a timeline of your life. Post your birth, your guess at death(if you don’t want to guess, look up the expected lifespan, and where you are now as a baseline.Put ten points on the timeline that you have already done. It can be as simple as starting kindergarten, or as memorable as your first kiss.
Put ten to fifteen future points on the timeline. Things like “travel to India by 40” or get married at 25” are acceptable, but so is more vegue time, like timeline can be in a multitude of formats… PowerPoint with multiple slides, put it all in a vertical line or a horizontal line, pictures, etc.
Assignment B, what does it mean to be adult? When are you an adult? When did/ do you expect to be an adult? Is this different than what you used to think being an adult is? What can be done to make the 20s more meaningful? At what point should we start expecting independence in people lives? (Is it an age? If so what age, why that age? Is it after an education level? etc. At what point is it no longer ok in today’s society to remain dependent on parents) ?