Covenant in the Old Testament
Discipline: Religious studies
Type of Paper: Research paper
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)
Paper Format: APA
Research paper on the Covenant between God and Israel and its relationship. It must not be more than 7 pages in length but at least 6. The paper requires a thesis statement. The NIV bible should be used as one of the sources. Works cited page must include all materials referenced. No Christian magazines or Wikipedia.
The topic will concern “Covenant in the Old Testament.” The following will apply to the research paper:
· Papers will also include a "Works Cited" page of the sources used. Papers will utilize a minimum of four sources other than the textbook and Bible to complete the research paper. Sources are to be scholarly in nature
Covenant is a wonderful subject as it is all about God and His relationship with mankind. For the paper, the syllabus relates it in this way: "The paper should have a thesis statement that expresses what you find covenant to be in the OT Scriptures. Consider how covenant is used as it relates to God and Israel, God and mankind beyond Israel and as an overarching connection of relationship."
Here's a hint; covenant is an act of grace on God's behalf. It shows His desire to relate to us and we to Him. He doesn't have to do this, but out of His grace and love He does.
For your paper, first of all define covenant. What is its definition, especially as it relates to God. With that definition in mind, what are the particulars of each covenant?
- Who does God make a covenant with? There are several covenants in the OT. You do not need to go into great detail about each one, but overall you can
catch similar ingredients.
- How many parties are involved?
- Who writes the terms?
- What are the stipulations (such as "If I do this, this is what you must do").
- What are the consequences (rewards, punishments, etc.), if any.