Consumer Purchasing Decision

Discipline: Marketing

Type of Paper: Critical thinking

Academic Level: High school

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 275




I attached a picture of the consumer buying process along with the rubric.









Considering the steps in the consumer buying process, describe how you(and your family) used this process to select Bowie State University.


How much time did you invest in this purchase decision?


When you were deciding on which college to attend, what objective and subjective criteria did you use in the alternative evaluation portion of the consumer buying process?









Use headings to separate the different discussion points so that the reader will understand when you have moved from one discussion topic to the other.  Do not write the entire paper as one paragraph without headings.




Additional Writing Requirements:


A.  Left justify


    B.  Do not use contractions


    C.  Do not use colloquialisms


    D.  Type double space.