Business and Management
Discipline: Business Studies
Type of Paper: Discussion Essay
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
Pages: 1
Words: 275
1.) You will prepare a discussion post detailing why most businessess should utilize "Remote
Work Model". Discuss the benefits of the "Remote Work Model", as it corresponds to the
following topics:
A) Productivity and accuracy
B) Employee satisfaction
2.) After you're done the above, I will provide two posts for you to comment on. For each post,
you will provide:
- A reponse outlining the drawbacks of their workforce model and why it may not be the best fit
for a modern workplace.
- Explain what workplace model (traditional, hybird or remote) you think can best address the
needs for the modern workplace. **Your opinion may differ from your assigned model**
- Try to further the discussion by bringing up an additional example or resource. Use the
Module Sources and Other Sources attached as supports.