Discipline: Religious studies
Type of Paper: Essay (any type)
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)
Paper Format: APA
The Protestant Reformation was the result of a unique situation in Europe. Once Christianity
spread to the USA, it continued to encounter unique situations. Three of these situations
produced the First Great Awakening, the Second Great Awakening, and Fundamentalism. These
three movements occurred at different time periods: the First Great Awakening occurred in the
eighteenth century, the Second Great Awakening in the nineteenth century, and the roots of
Fundamentalism began in the nineteenth century but did not fully flower until the early twentieth
century. Understanding the factors that caused the movements and the contribution of each
movement will bring about a deeper understanding of Christianity in the USA.
1. Write a 1,500-word research paper (using 12-point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch
margins on all sides). Be sure to write the total word count at the end of the paper. Please
note: The words in the cover sheet, footnotes, and bibliography are not counted in the
total world count.
2. Use at least 8 scholarly sources. Your textbook does count. You may use scholarly
websites, but also use at least 2 scholarly articles and/or books. Be careful to choose
scholarly sources; do not use Wikipedia, blogs, or opinionated websites. If you need help
finding scholarly books, you can use If you are uncertain whether a
source is scholarly, please ask your instructor.
3. Include a cover sheet, use current Turabian reference style with either footnotes or in-text
(parenthetical) notes, and place your bibliography as the last page.
4. Choose either 4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3:
4.1. The First Great Awakening: This will cover the beginning of Evangelicalism. The
two most important leaders were Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. Your
paper will include the following:
4.1.1. Biographies of both men.
4.1.2. Comparing and contrasting their contributions and styles.
4.1.3. A short discussion of other leaders who played a lesser role.
4.1.4. A description of Evangelicalism and an explanation of how
Evangelicalism began during the First Great Awakening. (Think about it this
way: What was unique about the First Great Awakening, and how did that
contribute to the idea of Evangelicalism?)
4.2. The Second Great Awakening: Your paper will include the following:
4.2.1. A description of the camp meetings (starting with the Cane Ridge
Revival): How did they get started and, if you had attended one, what would it
have looked like?
4.2.2. Discussion of Charles Finney and his contributions.
4.2.3. An answer to this question: Why did the Baptists and Methodists greatly
increase during the 2GA? (Note: In 1776, Baptists and Methodists made up
19.4% of Christians in America; in 1850, they comprised 54.7%. From Mark
Noll, A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada [Grand Rapids:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1992], 153.)
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4.2.4. Discussion of the rise of Utopian Communities (which came out of the
2GA): Over 100 existed in the 1800s, and only two exist today: the Shakers
have 2 members (as of 2018) and the Mormons have around 15 million.
4.3. The Rise of American Christian Fundamentalism (late 1800s and early 1900s): This
will include the Christian reaction to Darwinism and other scientific theories, the rise
of higher criticism of the Bible, the Social Gospel, The Fundamentals (a 12-volume
set of essays), and the Scopes Trial and its ramifications.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.
Textbook: Mark Nickens, A Survey of the History of Global Christianity, Second Edition.