Coursework Writing

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Coursework Writing

Course work carries more points than any other academic activity, not even term papers. This involves reading course materials assigned by your instructor and writing responses and summaries. This serves to test your ability to synthesize key concepts underscored in the course’s objectives. Case studies also come in handy in gauging students’ ability to apply course concepts to the outside world actual scenarios. Other elements of coursework writing include group work, discussion board posts, weekly assignments, timed quizzes, and CATs.

Reading response and summaries

Your instructor will continuously assign you reading materials aside from your course text. These are mostly peer-reviewed journal articles on concepts covered during that week. Academic website articles may also serve this purpose, in addition to government websites providing crucial statistics. After reading such coursework materials, you are expected to write responses that seek to identify your appreciation of the content as well as your opinion on the subject matter. Reading summaries simply test your ability to synthesize content and summarize a large piece to a clear and concise text. Please note that you cannot leave out vital ideas. Here at get wow essays, we ease your pressure of reading very large articles and books. This is so that you can concentrate on more crucial activities such as doing CATs.

Coursework writing-Case studies

Believe it or not, our professors are the actual actors in these case studies that you are assigned in class. Our genius writers have been project managers, data consultants, heads of government agencies, medical superintendents, you name them. This, they would write your case study analysis without even reading it! You no longer need to torment your brain to think like the case study player because we got you. All you need to do is hit that “Submit case study” button on your school’s website. Oh if you need to print it on paper, our discounts will cater for that too. See, we got you all round!

Collaborative group work assignments

Have you ever been assigned a task as a group, but group members are uncooperative? Some fellas even copy and paste content from the internet and make all of you fail! This is always the problem even during our times (oh! that of our professors)! The good thing, however, now is that you do not need to appear pushy to these uncooperative team members. Our patient, courteous professors will generously take over the whole assignment. All you have to do is to study the completed work to get a gist of the key concepts. Your group will have to nominate you as the next academic affairs director. 🙂

Discussion board posts

Among all coursework writing, discussion board activity is the most engaging. In fact, a part of this essential academic activity is participation. Here, the instructor expects students to respond to the main discussion post and then reply to fellow students’ posts. What is fascinating is that 80% of the points come from participation! Thus, for a student to earn this huge percentage of marks, they have to fully participate using substantive posts and responses. This activity is time-consuming, and it might be quite impossible for you to balance work and attend class to make discussion replies. Boom! This is where we come in and save your time. Our professors ensure that the posts are thoughtful, unique, and substantive, earning you not less than full points!

Coursework-Timed quizzes

Hey, are you the type that does not like any form of pressure while completing a task? Well, we got you because timed quizzes can really be harassing, especially if you do not work well under pressure. For some students, just the mention of “timed exam” makes them freak out! Our professors just need your credentials to access that exam. They don’t hesitate to click that “START” button because they are not afraid of the limited time. Within half the time indicated, you already have your results back, with not less than 98% of the aggregate points. And that’s an A-PLUS for you, yet again!

What you get from our essay writing service

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  • Free title page and bibliography
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On-demand options
  • Professor’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
  • 2-hour delivery
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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